KZN Trade Expo


The SPNP committee decided it was time we all met in person. A Trade Expo for all our trade who we haven’t been able to see was arranged. WOW absolutely WOW what a wonderful turn out.

Thank you to the Traders who joined us. Some old faces but also some new ones, which we were really glad about.

3m                        BBraun                              Coloplast             OMS

Electrospyres      Genadyne                           Esssity                  Hartmann wound and Stoma

K2 Medical          Madela                               Molnlycke           NuAngle

Safarmex             Smith&Nephew                 Vertices               Transpharm

A special Thank you to SourceMed though they could not attend they sent lovely Goodie bags that we handed over to the Sisters on their arrival.

There were Sisters from as far as Margate and Escourt joining us. And it looks like all the Sisters and Trade had a wonderful meeting in person. The hall was filled with laughter and joking as we got to connect after 18 months and see new products.

Thanks to the Trade for the wonderful hampers won by the following Sisters.

Author: NurseSA

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