Our Price List
Full members 660ZAR
Full membership is open to Registered Professional Nurses and Midwives who are registered with the South African Nursing Council and have registered with PCNS in their personal capacity or as a practice. Indemnity insurance through a recognised insurer is strongly recommended.
Associate members: 530ZAR
Associate membership is open to those persons who do not have PCNS practice numbers and who wish to join, but do not qualify for full membership in terms of the constitution.
Non-practicing members 420ZAR
Non-Practicing membership is open to previous PNPs who wish to remain members but are no longer seeing patients.
Group Practice membership 3300ZAR
Group Practice membership is open to groups of Private Nurse Practitioners who practice in association or partnership with one another, or a nursing agency or organisation who employ three (3) or more professional nurses, where professional nurses do not hold individual membership of the Society. A group practice shall nominate a person to represent it in the Society, and such person shall be deemed to have authority to speak for and do all things on behalf of such practice. The nomination of such a person shall be in writing and addressed to the Branch or National Executive Committee of the Society and signed by a responsible officer of such organisation.
Micro Corporate 3300ZAR
Companies with fewer than 5 employees
Corporate membership 5940ZAR
Corporate membership is open to all companies who wish to support the Society and network with the members. A reduced fee is available for micro-enterprises with fewer than 5 employees.
Important Information
2024 Subscription fees are due by 29 February 2024.
Subscription fees: Membership is valid from January to December. Annual subscriptions are due by the end of February, but members are offered the option of providing 3 payments with the last being payable by the end of March.
Members who have not paid in part by the end of February or in full by the end of March will have their membership terminated as required by our constitution. Rejoining members will be required to pay outstanding fees.
New members joining after September in any given year pay half the subscription for that year, while those joining in November will pay the full new fee for the following year.
If you are not able to afford the annual subscription or require a different payment option or fee reduction, please discuss it with your branch chairperson or treasurer providing sufficient information so that they can submit your request to the National Exco with a motivation.
We really do value your membership and understand that there are some practices which cannot support the multiple registration fees.
The branch and national executives are honour-bound to keep your information confidential.
Those persons who resign formally as per the constitution and then rejoin will not be required to pay any additional fee.
On receipt of your membership fees you will be provided with a the Suggested tariff guide.
The updated constitution is available to all new members. Those who do not have access to the internet may request a hard copy from the office.
National Bank Account: The Society of Private Nurse Practitioners,Nedbank, branch code: 198765, Account: 1151970468, Ref: Name